SQL for RPG Programmers

Structured Query Language (SQL) is playing an ever-increasing IBM i role in enterprise database design, supplanting legacy DDS. This course shows you how to

  • use industry-standard SQL Data Definition Language to build an IBM i database
  • retrieve, analyze, manipulate, and modify your data using SQL Data Manipulation Language
  • embed SQL statements into your ILE RPG programs to add the power of SQL to your RPG applications.
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Prerequisites: This course is appropriate for experienced ILE RPG (RPG IV) programmers interested in learning how to embed SQL statements in an ILE RPG program.

The course assumes you are already familiar with free format ILE RPG. If you are not familiar with current ILE RPG syntax, you may find the ILE RPG in Easy Bytes series more appropriate. That series also includes information, albeit somewhat less detailed, about embedded SQL.

How to Take the Course

The course is made up of a number of short lessons covering various aspects of the main course topic. If you are enrolled in the course, you will be able to view all its lessons. To view a lesson, select it from the menu below.

We recommend that you take the following approach to each lesson:

  1. Preview. Many of the lessons have one or more audio “previews” that you can use to familiarize yourself with the content of the lesson (or a section of the lesson). Most of these audio previews are less than five minutes long.
  2. Read. After you’ve listened to the audio for a section, study that section to get a more detailed understanding of the topic and and study some examples. When you are finished with a lesson, be sure to “Mark Complete” to let us know you’ve successfully completed it. As you complete each lesson, a progress bar will measure your passage through the course. Even after you’ve marked a course complete, you can still review it later.
  3. Review. Some of the lessons will have quiz questions to test your knowledge of the topic. You must pass the quiz with a score of 80% or better to move on. If you don’t understand why you answered incorrectly, you can “View Details” for an explanation, and then go back and review the course.

At any time, even if you are not viewing a lesson, you may use the Search function at the top of the page to search the lessons for a specific term. If you are enrolled in the lesson which contains the term, you may go directly to that lesson by selecting the appropriate search result. If you are not enrolled, when you select the search result, you will be invited to enroll. (Remember, though, you must take the units in order.)

At the end of each lesson is an outline of the course, with the completed lessons checked. You may revisit any completed lesson by selecting it, or you may go on to the next (unchecked) lesson.

At the end of each lesson, if you have any questions regarding that lesson, use the “Questions?” form to submit a question. We’ll try to answer your questions in a timely manner.

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Introduction to SQL

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

ILE RPG With Embedded SQL

Has Quiz

Legacy Code (SQL)